Bikebiz is often asked why particular helmets we sell don’t have an Australian Standard sticker on its shell. That is because Australian Motorcycle Helmet Laws have changed.

Over the course of 2015 and 2016, Australian states and territories amended their laws to begin accepting both AS/NZ standard helmets, as well as, UNECE/ECE approved helmets.

Because Europeans do things a little different than us Aussies, they do not place a sticker on the helmet shell. Instead, you will find a UNECE/ECE tag or label stitched onto the chin strap. It looks like this:

This means that you when you are purchasing your helmet, it is acceptable by Australian law, if either one of the following compliance mechanisms is on the helmet:

  1. An AS/NZ Standard sticker on the shell of the helmet, OR;

  2. A UNECE/ECE 22.05 approved label stitched to the chin strap.

Below are some useful links to further information on this legislation for each Australia State and Territory:


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An approved motorcycle helmet is a protective helmet for motorcycle riders of a type that complies with:

  • Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 1698:2006 Protective Helmets For Vehicle Users, as amended by Amendment No. 1 of 28 September 2007 and Amendment No. 2 of 27 May 2009; or

  • An earlier version of Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 1698 or Australian Standard 1698-1988 that was in force at the time of manufacture or importation; or

  • United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Regulation No 22 (UNECE22.05) as amended;

  • And has a mark certifying compliance with an above standard.


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Riders and passengers must wear an approved helmet that meets one of the following standards -

  • AS 1698-1988; or

  • AS/NZS 1698:2006 (or any later version of that standard); or

  • ECE 22.05 (or any later version of that standard)

All helmets must be marked to show that they comply with the relevant Australian Standard or ECE 22.05.


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The law requires all motorcyclists and their passengers (including sidecar passengers) to wear helmets that meet the standards set out in the Road Traffic Act 1961. The 2016 review of this legislation included international standard ECE22.05 along with the Australian Standard AS 1698 for helmets.


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The standards and types of helmets approved for use in Western Australia include:

  • Australian Standard (AS) 1698:1988, Protective helmets for vehicle users;

  • Australian Standard /New Zealand Standard (AS/NZS) 1698: 2006, Protective helmets for vehicle users;

  • United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN ECE) 22.05, Uniform provisions concerning the approval of protective helmets and their visors for drivers and passengers of motorcycles and mopeds.  


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All Queensland motorcycle, quad bike riders and passengers must wear a helmet that complies with:

  • Australian standards AS1698 or AS/NZS1698, or

  • United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) 22.05 standard


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The State’s Road Rules were recently amended by the Government to allow the use of motorcycle helmets that meet the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Regulation 22-05 (UN/ECE), as well as the current Australian Standard.